Engagement Photography

Kristi and Steve - Seattle Engagement Photographer

I've been a part of a photography association called Clickin Moms (and no, you don't have to be a mom, or even female, to join!) for over a year now, and have taken several phenomenal workshops, as well as poured over the many tutorials and other forums available within the site. I cannot say enough good things about this online community: the support, the encouragement, the incredible, talented and inspiring artists sharing their knowledge and their work. One mini workshop, or "breakout session," as it's called on CM, has pushed me beyond anything else. Candice Zugich's breakout, The Emotional Artist, has been quite literally a breakthrough for me in my photography, and for my life in general. It has given me the courage to create what's in my heart, and to push past barriers of fear and doubt to get to it. I am quite sure that my work will continue to evolve more and more into who I am at my core, as I continue to learn exactly who that is, and I'm looking forward to the journey. What follows is my first session since Candice's breakout. A special thank you to my girl, Kristi, and her love, Steve, for being so willing and so dang FUN to photograph!