Week 20 - Sport/Dance

I am way behind, but it’s because I got stuck on this theme - with social distancing, living on my own, and my niece and nephew out of town, I really didn’t have a lot of options. Trust me, no one needs a photo of me attempting to dance.

Crossfit’s a sport though! And my plates just came in so I’m back in the game!!! Feels so good to pick up something heavier than a kettlebell!

Week 18 - Beauty in the Mundane

“You become. It takes a long time. That’s why it doesn’t happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.”

From The Velveteen Rabbit.

Week 15 - This Is Hard

This COVID thing. It’s rough on everyone. No one is untouched.

For me, it means a lot of time alone. I’m good at being alone. I often prefer it, but the lack of physical touch is something I didn’t foresee being so hard. No hugs from my momma, no snuggles from the sweet kiddos in my life. I look forward to going into work, where I sometimes have the opportunity to hold one of my patients, or at the very least stroke their sweet, soft heads.

I’m so glad I have Norman.

Week 13 - Collaboration

This was a fun one, jumping on the FaceTime photoshoot bandwagon and trying something new. These shots will never win anything for technical quality, but I sort of love the retro grittiness of them.

It just goes to show, art can be created with any medium at hand.

I think I mentioned in a previous post that I thought this quarantine would bring about a lot of creativity, and here it is. I can’t take credit for this idea, but someone thought of it, and now it’s a real thing.

Week 10 - Community

This topic comes at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak here in Washington. It’s a time when community means distancing ourselves from others for safety, love and the greater good. It’s only the beginning, but already I’ve seen this community step up, offering to help the elderly or immune compromised by bringing them groceries and supplies, offering meals to children who normally rely on school lunches, sharing jokes and encouragement on social media.

I’m in a high risk group as far as exposure is concerned, working as an intensive care nurse. Though I don’t worry so much for myself, I do worry about potentially being a vessel for the spread of the virus, so for now, when I’m not at the hospital, I will be holed up with my own little canine community.

Week 5 - All Natural

I didn’t feel particularly inspired by this prompt, which is weird, because I’m big into nature. Maybe because it’s the middle of winter and dark and gloomy and I’m over it. I suppose I could have interpreted it in other ways, but when I think “all natural,” the only other thing that comes to mind is nakedness, and I didn’t feel like shooting that this week. So, here is the newest member of my house plant family, free lensed (which could be arguably unnatural), in all natural light.